Tech­nical exper­ti­se at every stage of your project

Sundes Oy pro­vi­des compre­hen­si­ve tech­nical expert ser­vices in Finland and abroad for industry, SIA suppliers and cont­rac­tors, as well as design offices and mate­rial hand­ling system suppliers.

Project and Site Manager

Our project manager is res­pon­sible for over­see­ing the overall mana­ge­ment of the project, inclu­ding the sche­du­le and budgets.

Our site manager ensures the smooth and safe execu­tion of daily ins­tal­la­tions.

Toget­her, they gua­ran­tee that the ins­tal­la­tions are carried out with high quality, on sche­du­le, and in accor­dance with the client’s requi­re­ments.

Elect­rical, Instru­men­ta­tion, and Auto­ma­tion Design

Our Lead Elect­rical, Instru­men­ta­tion, and Auto­ma­tion (EIA) Desig­ner is res­pon­sible for the sche­du­ling, resourcing, coor­di­na­tion, and inte­gra­tion of various inter­faces related to the tech­nical imple­men­ta­tion of the pro­ject’s elect­rical, instru­men­ta­tion, and auto­ma­tion solu­tions, as well as mate­rial procu­re­ment when neces­sa­ry.

The EIA Project Manager is res­pon­sible for the overall mana­ge­ment of the EIA aspect of the project, inclu­ding the sche­du­le and budget, in col­la­bo­ra­tion with the project mana­gers and lead desig­ners of other areas.

Elect­rical, Instru­men­ta­tion, and Auto­ma­tion (EIA) Super­vi­sion and Com­mis­sio­ning

In our Elect­rical, Instru­men­ta­tion, and Auto­ma­tion (EIA) Super­vi­sion and Com­mis­sio­ning Ser­vices, we ensure that the ins­tal­la­tion of elect­rical, instru­men­ta­tion, and auto­ma­tion systems is carried out with high quality and safety. Our experts oversee every phase of the work and ensure a seam­less com­mis­sio­ning process, gua­ran­tee­ing that the client’s systems operate efficient­ly and reliably from the very begin­ning.

Trai­ning and Deve­lop­ment

In pro­jects, we par­tici­pa­te in trai­ning the client’s users and offer deve­lop­ment ser­vices at the process, system, and equip­ment levels, with a special focus on elect­rical, instru­men­ta­tion, and auto­ma­tion tech­no­lo­gy

The goal of the trai­ning is to ensure the users attain optimal exper­ti­se and success­ful­ly perform main­te­nance tasks.

The objec­ti­ve of the deve­lop­ment ser­vices is to enhance the fea­tu­res and per­for­mance of the iden­ti­fied impro­ve­ment areas as reliably and cost-effec­ti­ve­ly as pos­sible.

High-quality tech­nical exper­ti­se throug­hout the entire lifecycle of pro­jects

SunDes Oy offers high-quality, flexible, honest, and deter­mi­ned ser­vices in tech­nical pro­jects with over thirty years of expe­rience in the fol­lowing roles:

  • Project Desig­ner
  • Site Manager
  • Project Manager
  • Project Procu­re­ment
  • Project Super­vi­sion
  • Project Main­te­nance
  • Deve­lop­ment Tasks
  • Trainer

We provide ser­vices to industry, EIA suppliers, EIA cont­rac­tors, design offices, and mate­rial hand­ling system suppliers.

Lähikuva kytkimen laitosta

Uncom­pro­mi­sing quality for deman­ding tech­nical project mana­ge­ment

SunDes Oy execu­tes pro­jects step by step, without cutting corners, ensu­ring the best pos­sible outcome. The cor­ners­to­ne of our ope­ra­tions is ent­repre­neur Sami’s exten­si­ve 30-year expe­rience in the tech­nical field, coupled with a con­ti­nuo­us passion for growth and staying at the forefront of the latest deve­lop­ments.

Smooth and flexible col­la­bo­ra­tion in diverse pro­jects

SunDes Oy has success­ful­ly comple­ted deman­ding pro­jects both in Finland and abroad. If you’re looking for a skilled and reliable expert for a tech­nical project, don’t hesi­ta­te to contact us!

Sami Dahlgren
+358 40 552 6110

C/o Sami Dahlgren
Sata­kie­len­tie 3
08100 Klauk­ka­la